signature |
There's been a recent increase in the number of requests asking to identify a sword or a signature of the sword. It's a very positive trend and a sign of growing popularity of Nihonto Club. And more so, it's an achievement of few regular members who are kindly responding to these requests. Now it's time to review the process and define how we can do it in an orderly fashion while trying to maximize the value of this activity. I would like to post some guidelines in order to help members and visitors with submission of such requests. While being driven by Nihonto Club management, these guidelines are in no way meant to restrict members' and visitors' freedom of self-expression, but rather to avoid potential legal issues and claims, as well as unhealthy practices and exploitation of Nihonto Club resources with commercial interest. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 1. Ownership Only the present owner of the sword or a person acting on behalf of the owner can ask for assistance with identification of the sword. 2. Security & privacy Japanese sword can be a valuable property. It is advised to avoid posting owner's personal details, disclose present location of the sword or provide any information which can be used to trace the post to the owner's identity and home address. There is no conspiracy here, just common sense considerations when posting your personal details online. If you do, you do it on your own risk. Nihonto Club will not be held responsible for any loss or criminal damage caused as a result of publishing sensitive information in any section of this website. 3. Commercial interest It is forbidden to ask for identification of swords or other items which are currently available for sale (including auctions). This restriction considers both sellers and actual/potential buyers. Any opinion expressed on this website may potentially affect the value of the sword and it's a general policy to avoid any kind of situations which influence commercial activity. Any person failing to comply with this rule will have his/her account permanently suspended. Any past activity (posted before the publication of these rules) is exempt, if found to be in violation. 4. Copyright restrictions Posters are only allowed to use their own photos, images or other media. Media obtained from the previous owner/seller may only be used with express written permission of the original author and copyright holder. It is welcomed to license your media under Creative Commons License to help other Nihonto enthusiasts in the future. EXPECTATIONS In case if you aren't very familiar with the world of Japanese swords, this section outlines what can and cannot be expected when looking for information about particular sword. It also provides some general considerations about sword handling.
This list will be extended further, if required, at a later date. Your feedback is always welcome. |
hello, can you help me translate the signature on the nakago. Thank you |
I was looking at various katana and wakizashi yesterday and was confused by one particular wakizashi that was hira-zukuri(flat sided) on one face and shinogi-zukuri on the opposite face. I've not seen this before and initially thought it must have been 'over polished' and lost its shinogi line on the flat side. But it looks so purposeful and I wondered if the swordsmith used the blade as a kind of experiment, possibly because of overall dissatisfaction with the blade, or maybe it was an apprentice piece or...?? |
I am a novice when it comes to Japanese blades, but when it comes to Tsuba, I am not even as accomplished as a novice. Thanks Andy |
(Accidentally placed in my blog and now re-posted here in this forum) I am new to this club and hope to find some information regarding a WW2 Gunto "Bring Back" sword. |
Hi everyone, new to collecting, this is my first, possibly my only as I don't think I can afford investment in another. Just picked up an O-Wakisashi(? 21.1", is this O-wakisashi or simply wakisashi) signed by Tada Hitachi no Kami Muneshige. I can find precious little about this swordsmith, what I did find did not include Tada and I even wonder if it's the Singnature with and without "tada" is same smith. The sword is authentic with nbthk green papers, (especially precious, issued 1971) |
Dear Sirs, I'm from a fencer's family, we always like sword and now, I practice martial arts and have a budo shop in Paris. My request is about a old wakisashi Meï (signature). This wakisashi is about 52,8cm lenght, in a Satsuma's Koshirae. The nakago looks like old sword with red rust. The sword was in bad state but i'm making a cleaning with shirasaya koshirae. Just waiting the result to be able to see the original work. The Mei seems made with 3 kanji (maybe 4) the 2 last are 'Hisakuni' 久國. |
Hi - Im having a hard time trying to read the inscription and wondered if anyone could help ? This is a sword that came from the Compton collection and given to the Exective director by Compton. Given to him by a Japanese Delegation. WWII Army Officers Sword engraved blade with Bamboo and Shinto Blessing(?) on the other side. Im a novice and it takes me so long to try to figure out the Charcters. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) thanks so much |
Greetings from yet another newbie. This sword was discovered by me at the bottom of a box at an estate garage sale over thirty-five years ago. I paid a whopping $20.00 for it, which at the time was actually quite a bit for a thirteen year old. I knew enough back then, thanks to Hawley's article in the old book "Guns of the World," to only oil the blade and to leave the rest of it alone. I tentatively translated the signature but as my resources were very limited I was unable to learn anything more. Sadly, over time I almost forgot I owned it. |