Wakisashi |
Hi everyone, new to collecting, this is my first, possibly my only as I don't think I can afford investment in another. Just picked up an O-Wakisashi(? 21.1", is this O-wakisashi or simply wakisashi) signed by Tada Hitachi no Kami Muneshige. I can find precious little about this swordsmith, what I did find did not include Tada and I even wonder if it's the Singnature with and without "tada" is same smith. The sword is authentic with nbthk green papers, (especially precious, issued 1971) |
Dear Sirs, I'm from a fencer's family, we always like sword and now, I practice martial arts and have a budo shop in Paris. My request is about a old wakisashi Meï (signature). This wakisashi is about 52,8cm lenght, in a Satsuma's Koshirae. The nakago looks like old sword with red rust. The sword was in bad state but i'm making a cleaning with shirasaya koshirae. Just waiting the result to be able to see the original work. The Mei seems made with 3 kanji (maybe 4) the 2 last are 'Hisakuni' 久國. |