petersan's blog |
Hello, I have this blade with a slightly more corroded tang than usual, with both sides full of kanji, I would like to get some help, at least the to find out the last 2 kanji of the signature to start with my research, or with help of the other side as it does not look like a dating (perhaps a memorial writing, or the second part of the long signature?) Regards |
Hello all, I recently purchased this sword and trying to pinpoint the exact smith or finding examples of his work over the internet. Any help or opinion would be greatly apreciated. tachi mei: Bishu Osafune Kanemitsu nagasa 69.7 cm I attached a picture with similar mei, this sword is called BUNKAZAI FUKUSHIMA O-KANEMITSU "The Ten Students" Best regards |
Hello, I have this long wakizashi, I managed to translate the mei: but have trouble with the otehr side, are the kanji these? 於熊本以南蛮鐡 I found a similar sword, a katana, might be its match for a daisho : Can someone help me with the other side, what it might be? |
Hello all, I have a blade in old shirasaya with writing on it but difficult to translate, something about Koto era or so. |
Hello, I have a wakizashi with writing on both sides, possibly mei and dating, needs help to translate. |
Hello all, I got this old nbthk paper and not sure what it says about the maker or family, please help. |
Hello, I have this shinto wakizashi that is signed and dated but don't have the translation for it, thanks in advance for help. |
Hello, I was offered this 2 swords for sale from the U.K. but owner does not know what the signatures say, can someone help ? |
Hello all, I acquired this shobu zukuri katana but I can not fully translate the tang, it was made in 1929? and used a special steel or so? please someone tell me what the tang says on both sides, I aam very curious about it. |
Hello, I got a katana probalby from late Koto period, the tang is unshortened mumei but maybe there is a weak signature, not sure. |