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19 April 2024

  • Kanematsu [KAN1388] , jjschwind , 2024-04-19 14:04
  • Kanematsu [KAN1388] , jjschwind , 2024-04-19 13:58
    This smith did not sign as 丹波兼松 / Tamba Kanematsu. Reports mistakenly identify him with 丹波, should be 丹羽. source: JAPANESE SWORDSMITHS IN GIFU 1937 by Malcolm Cox
  • Kanenobu [KAN1816] , jjschwind , 2024-04-19 13:50
    Final edit (sorry). Referencing his KAN-1388 record which contains his erroneous name, 兼松. This will help ease the confusion caused by the NHTK NPO mistakenly identifying his real name as 兼松.
  • Kanenobu [KAN1816] , jjschwind , 2024-04-19 13:27
  • Kanenobu [KAN1816] , jjschwind , 2024-04-19 13:19
  • Kanenobu [KAN1816] , jjschwind , 2024-04-19 13:19
    Province: Mainly known as a Seki swordsmith. Worked outside of Gifu prior for many years prior, but is primarily known for his role as a senior swordsmith in Seki. Start year 1894 source: JAPANESE SWORDSMITHS IN GIFU 1937 by Malcolm Cox Signatures: Can be observed on many swords signed by this smith. Signs with 兼信 to differentiate from their son (KAN-1777) who also signs Kanenobu (兼延.) Many swords signed by Kanematsu are mistakenly attributed to his much more widely recognized son, Kanenobu. Comments: Updating name to Niwa Kanematsu and adding a biographical blurb. Born Niwa Kanematsu, government records sometimes named him as 丹波 兼松 Tanba Kanematsu mistakenly. sources: E Swordsmiths of Japan by Markus Sesko and JAPANESE SWORDSMITHS IN GIFU 1937 by Malcolm Cox

18 April 2024

12 April 2023

2 April 2023

25 October 2022