Swordsmith Index

Swordsmith Index is intended to be a non-commercial resource to support Nihonto studies and raise awareness of history and appreciation of genuine Japanese swords. Find more information about the Index, its description and methods of use here. See how to read swordsmith records here.

Name IDsort icon Name (Kanji) Gen Province Era School Teacher H/TT/FS Rating Ref Cmt
Jumyō JU22 壽命 Mino Shoō (1288-1293) 40 / 800 /
Jumyō JU30 壽命 Mino Tenmon (1532-1555) 15 / /
Jumyō JU31 壽命 Mino Tensho (1573-1592) 15 / 250 /
Jumyō JU32 壽命 Owari Kanei (1624-1644) 15 / 200 /
Jumyō JU41 壽命 Mino Kanbun (1661-1673) 15 / 150 / Chu saku
Jumyō JU45 壽命 Owari Tenna (1681-1684) 15 / 180 /