
It is said that you can tell the smith by the Hiromono. Here is a segment of a Nagamaki-naoshi that I've owned for a number of years. The blade has this So no kurikara hiromono without the Ken there is also rendai at the tail of the dragon. In the center there is what appears to be either a sword or arrow strike. It also has Bonji and Hi on the ura side. My question is, does any one know of a smith the used so no kurikara without the ken, or was the ken intended to be carved but was not?

image8a1.jpg90.26 KB


You meant to say "Horimono", not Hiromono :-).
I could be wrong, but my understanding is that horimono is not always done by the same guy that forged the blade, and horimono could be added later.
And I think the "intended to be carved but was not" theory is very unlikely.



Sorry for the typo. I'm aware that Hiromono may have been added later. But I was under the impression that Hiromono on koto blades would be likely smith carved. Do you think the Ken was left out intentionally?



Bump, anyone on here?


Hi Ron,

Horimono can be added at any time. It's not that rare to have horimono done in modern days to 'personalise' old blades.

It's an interesting one. I've never seen so-no-kurikara without a ken. Maybe it was carved in a shallow fashion and then polished away? Or maybe it was painted on top of the blade and this image didn't survive through the years?




I've also never seen it without the ken. I honestly don't think it was ever there, though I never gave it a thought about being painted on. This one is a mystery. Any idea on the translation of the Bonji?

Ron, Where can I see the


Where can I see the Bonji? I'm only seeing the dragon and the lotus flower.


Horimono, Bonji

Sorry about that I thought I posted it.

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