Signature on Showato

Can anyone tell me what this signature says?

Thanks, Lee


Hi Lee,

It's a strange one. The signature looks like the one of Ando Kaneharu ('SEKI JU ANDO KANEHARU SAKU' - 'made by Ando Kaneharu from Seki'), but DO is missing and I'm not so sure about the characters for SEKI and AN either as they look alike, but some elements are missing. The resolution of the photo isn't high enough to prove or discard this reading.

You may find a similar signature here.

I hope this helps.



hi Lee,
look at 'Noshu Ju Mori ( family name ) Kaneharu', only one can see as having similar chisel marks to yours, all the other kaneharu are different strokes, not always the rule, but?? page 30 Swordsmiths of Japan R Gregory & R Fuller book November 1978
however as always I may be wrong,
nice well struck signature for you to investigate further, good luck.



Kane Haru

First of all, I want to say hello to everyone, as I'm a new member, but long time lurker. :) I have a Kane Haru sword from WWII, and it took quite a while to figure out what indeed it was. I was able to read the date carvings relatively easily, and the "Kane" part of the signature, but the last character was tough to find. Thanx to this club I was able to get the character.

The date side reads "Showa Ne Jyu Nen San Gatsu"


12 years into the Showa third month


March 1938


The tiger is great, but it is the ant who picks his bones.


The tiger is great, but it is the ant who picks his bones.