Chounsai Emura & Ichihara Nagamitsu: A Tale of Confusion

TitleChounsai Emura & Ichihara Nagamitsu: A Tale of Confusion
Publication TypeWeb Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsStein, Richard

Since the early 1980's it had been believed that Ichihara Ichiryushi Nagamitsu and Chounsai Emura were the same person using different mei or at least that they were related in their work in some way. Others have felt that Nagamitsu and Emura are unrelated smiths. Much confusion has resulted when attempting to study these smiths. The article shows sufficient evidence that Ichihara Nagamitsu and Chounsai Emura must be considered separate and unrelated swordsmiths.

Citation Keyrstein_nagamura