Interesting WW2 tang what looks to be a special order blade

Hello all,

can someone help my on this sword being auctioned on ebay right now, the writing on the tang does not look typical and also no arsenal mark, I am curious especialy what the left side of the tang writing means on the top around the tang hole, if someone can translate it would be apreciated.
Peter G.

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patriotic slogan

It's a patriotic slogan.
The 2nd character is "Asia", the 3rd and 4th are "ISSHIN", meaning "one mind" or "one heart".
The first two together are something common, but I just can't remember what it is...


Thanks, do you think it has

Thanks, do you think it has something to do with the invasion of the Far-East countries by japanese army, such as Burma, LAos etc. later Korea and Vietnam( first they ousted the french) since after the ww2 many of these countries fought out their independence because japanese army left their weapons to them and gave them training so when the ousted western colonizing countries came back they found a strong resistance hungry for freedom and independence.
Maybe it was a symbol for a heroic meaning to free they neighbour asian "brothers" from the capitalist supressors?


All the details are here on Rich Stein's site:
