因州住日置兼次作之 inshū ju heki kanetsugu saku kore
日置藤原兼次作 heki fujiwara kanetsugu saku
因州臣直助尉藤原兼次 inshū-shin naosuke no jō fujiwara kanetsugu
因幡國住直助尉藤原兼次作之 inaba kuni ju naosuke no jō fujiwara kanetsugu saku kore
兼先十二代孫因州住日置兼次作之 kanesaki 12 dai mago inshū ju heki kanetsugu saku kore
Biography and lineage
He is the 12th generation grandson of Kanesaki 兼先. His name was Heki (SN: it can be pronounced as Hioki. Not sure what's the correct way.) Naosuke no Jō. His early works were signed Kanehira 兼平 (KAN892) [1].
Workmanship and style
Mostly nioi shimari gunome, also suguba.